Almost 10 years ago, my oldest son was born. Whoa! what an emotional and physical rollercoaster it was. Living in a different culture, not having my close family to help with the baby, to guide me through my first motherhood experiences was very hard for me. Many times I found myself feeling lonely and isolated. I knew only a very limited number of Polish women and even less mothers to share my worries with. And one day, an idea of creating a FB group for Polish mothers living in Brisbane came. Slowly, more and more new mums started to join the group and create a little village effect that I really craved for. We would regularly meet at our homes for morning tea and so precious chats, while the children played together.

Once the group got too big to be meeting at homes, I organized a room and suddenly found myself leading a Polish playgroup. This was a new experience for me as I was an engineer not a teacher, but motherhood changes women! I was changed too.

With time and number of children I gave birth to, my needs for peace and silence grew. This is when I learnt about mindfulness and meditation. I instantly fell in love with it. It was my little escape from loud and hectic days. I have been meditating pretty much every day since (sometimes it lasts 5min, sometimes 30min).

I like to sit in silence by myself, however there is something powerful and magical about sitting in a group. Sitting in meditation, in a sacred space with other women for few hours were a great opportunity for me to nourish my body and soul and reconnect with true me. My teacher’s monthly sessions were my home practice on steroids where, with my teacher’s guidance and other women’s support, I slowly found my way back to me, not me only as a mother and wife, but true me as a woman.

These sessions unfortunately ended. I tried a few more women’s gatherings around Brisbane but it just wasn’t it… As I already worked with women (and men) as a yoga and meditation teacher, I decided to start my own Women’s Circles. It was 2018. At first, I experimented with friends, then added neighbours and finally in January 2019 I opened my Red Tent to women from ‘outside’

We meet every month around New Moon for few hours. During this time, we sit in the Circle connecting with our natural gifts of intuition, healing, and building community connecting with one another in a supportive and safe space.

Who is the Women’s Circle for? You! It doesn’t matter if you’re a mum, grandma, aunt, professional or retired. If you’re a woman, you’re invited! And just to be clear, this is nothing to do with being better than men or wanting to lead separate lives from men. It is about honouring all of life: female and male, human and animal, plant and mineral. And, this is about the magic that happens when we gather to empower ourselves as women and to honour and be inspired by each other.

Why do we meet around the New Moon? The new moon symbolizes new beginnings and a fresh start, making it the ideal time to dream, make wishes, set new intentions, and plant new seeds. And watch them bloom and grow throughout the remainder of the moon’s cycle.

Every month there is a different theme we work through. The dates and topics for 2021 are HERE

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